Antimicrobial application on plastics

The plastics used in daily necessities, household appliances, and public places are modified with antibacterial performance, which can greatly prevent contact and infection of virus and bacteria.

The modified function of plastic refers to improving the original performance of the resin through physical, chemical and mechanical means.

The modified plastic can improve the quality of the original plastic materials, such as density, hardness, accuracy, appearance, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, wear resistance, etc., and can also reduce the cost of plastic raw materials.

Silver Ion antibacterial plastics are non-toxic, odorless, and have no impact on the environment; they do not chemically react with various additives in plastics, and are not affected by the discoloration of light and heat. The modified plastic products can maintain long-term self-cleaning function, reduce the concentration of microorganisms on the surface, and thus extend the service life.

Those high-frequency contact plastic components on daily household appliances need to attract everyone’s attention; adding silver antibacterial function to household appliances can give them antibacterial and antiviral effects.

Where can it be applied in home appliances? The below graphic analysis of antimicrobial materials and antimicrobial application can show you more vivid concept.

antimicrobial application

antimicrobial application

antimicrobial application

antimicrobial application

antimicrobial application

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